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The fastest way to clean your home before moving out

Moving out is a process that requires plenty of time, as one has to deal with dozens of moving tasks that await. And as if all of the duties that come with relocation weren’t enough. You also have to find the time and energy to clean your home. Luckily, there’s a way to get the job done quickly and efficiently, helping you preserve as much time as possible. Make no mistake – just because you are looking for the fastest way to clean your home before moving out does not mean that you have to be sloppy. You can make your house sparkly clean without investing days of your life into it.

The fastest way to clean your home before moving out – the essential tips

Cleaning is a chore that you can do by yourself, but there’s also plenty of help at your disposal should you need it. Apart from family members who can participate, you also have professional cleaning services at your fingertips. From furniture cleaning services in Lexington, KY, to pool cleaners, a few phone calls are enough to get your home in top shape. But if you decide to forgo all assistance, it helps to understand that there is a way to get your house move-out ready. Here’s how you can achieve that.

1. Get rid of clutter

How are you supposed to wipe your surfaces when you have a bunch of different items scattered all over them? The first step that leads to an efficient cleaning spree is to remove all the clutter from your house. Depending on how regular you are at maintaining your living areas, this could be a job of massive proportions, or it could be something that you can get done in an hour. 

Once you pick up an item, ask yourself right away whether you want to keep it, donate it, throw it away, or store it. Storage could be your best friend during relocation, as it’s a place where you can safely keep all of your items. Your storage unit can house your memorabilia, carpets, furniture pieces, etc. 

If possible, try to store your belongings before cleaning your home, as it will significantly cut the time you spend on this task. It’s usually much easier to pack and store your carpets before moving so that you can vacuum and mop bare floors. When it comes to quick yet effective cleaning, good preparation is the key to success.

2. Clean the highest surfaces first

Many people don’t think about cleaning as something that can be done right or wrong. People believe that you have done a good job as long as you get all the surfaces clean. Unfortunately, that’s not necessarily the case. Let’s imagine that you have paid for carpet cleaning services in Lexington, KY. If you put clean carpets on a dirty floor, all of the efforts to get that carpet clean would have been in vain. 

The golden rule of cleaning is to clean the highest surfaces first, such as the tops of your furniture, picture frames, and TV screens. Since all the dust will fall downwards, it’s futile to vacuum and mop your floors before dusting and wiping the higher areas. This top-to-bottom cleaning method will allow you to get all of your cleaning tasks out of the way at a much quicker speed, as you won’t have to retrace your steps.

3. Pick a task and stick to it

There are a few ways to clean your home. Some people choose to completely clean one room before moving on to the next one. If you were to ask moving professionals such as those at Fairfax Transfer and Storage, they would tell you that this is an excellent approach to packing. But if you are looking for the fastest way to clean your home before moving out, we suggest that you pick a task and stick to it.

So when you start dusting, don’t give up until every room in your home is dust-free. Once you successfully get this task out of the way, you can feel free to move on to vacuuming. Or mopping, or something else entirely – the choice is up to you.

4. Put all of your cleaning tools in a bucket

Every household has many cleaning products tucked away in some corner. If you are cleaning your home before moving out, you will need to be thorough. That means that you are very likely to use all of the products and tools that you have. Instead of going to your corner every once in a while to get cleaning supplies, carry them with you

Put all of your tools and products in a bucket or a caddy. Aim for something portable that can be carried from room to room. With all of your tools and supplies in one place, you will enjoy a much more efficient cleaning spree. It’s seemingly insignificant details that will help you be faster when cleaning your home before moving out. 

The bottom line

Cleaning might not be your favorite pastime, but that doesn’t have to worry you. You can still enjoy all the benefits of a clean home without spending too much of your time cleaning. When faced with relocation, it’s imperative to work quickly and efficiently. That’s why you should rely on our tips if you are looking for the fastest way to clean your home before moving out. Our pieces of advice will provide you with valuable insights into different cleaning methods. Good organization and the right approach are all you need if you hope to successfully clean your house at record speed.

Meta description: Trying to get your house clean at record speed? Take a look at our tips that uncover the fastest way to clean your home before moving out.

Bluegrass Company
3323 Wood Valley Ct, Lexington, KY 40502
(859) 888-1515

cleaning a home fast, Cleaning Tips & Tricks, fast cleaning, fastest way to clean, The fastest way to clean your home before moving out

How to clean a new home

Entering a new home for the first time is a magnificent feeling where a million ideas and dreams of your future are born. And even though you’re tired from the moving process, you can’t wait to unpack and furnish the place to your liking. Still, before doing that, it’s necessary to thoroughly clean every inch of the house. No matter how spotless the home looks, the only way to start fresh in a germ-free environment is to scrub and disinfect the home yourself. In case you’re not sure how to clean a new home that already seems immaculate, here are some basic tips on how to make it fresh and ready for living.

The ultimate house-cleaning toolkit

No job can be done without a proper toolkit. That’s why when packing for the move, make sure to label the box with cleaning supplies. Since you will need it from the moment you enter the house, it’s the first thing to unpack. If you’ve already done detailed home cleaning before, you have what it takes to complete these jobs properly. Still, in case the moving truck is late, or you arrive sooner than expected, here is the list of the supplies you’ll need to buy in case you don’t want to wait:

  • for protection: rubber gloves, face mask, spare clothes;
  • to dust and sweep the place: duster, vacuum, broom and a dustpan, brushes, sponges;
  • wiping the surfaces: microfiber cloths, dryer sheets (rugs and napkins), mop, and a bucket;
  • cleaning solutions:  degreaser, window cleaner, liquid dish detergent, or if you prefer eco-friendly agents – vinegar and baking soda;
  • disinfectant solution: solution high percentage of alcohol, bleach, and active oxygen;
  • containers: spray bottles, buckets.

Even though you already have everything you need for the cleaning process, you might need to buy special solutions for treating different surfaces. Some floors, with epoxy resin in the bathroom, can be cleaned with all-purpose agents. Others, such as hardwood floors and metal, can suffer damage with the use of aggressive solutions. Thus, their treatment requires special-purpose refiners.

Start with the most frequently used sanitary areas

Everyone washes their hands and makes themselves comfortable first after entering the home. Therefore, the bathroom is the area to clean first, followed by the kitchen. When moving to another place, we will try to make our home spotless. However, even so, there are many things we tend to overlook during that process. Both bathrooms and kitchens have high ceilings, susceptible to collecting dust and spider nets on them. Due to bathroom moisture and kitchen steam, the dust can quickly accumulate on the lighting fixtures, creating a thick sticky layer. Dust the ceilings and fixtures first in every room, cleaning the rest of the areas afterward.

The tub/shower demands a deep cleaning since those places have the most bacteria and germs, floors aside. However, germs can accumulate in bathroom areas inside and outside. Therefore, every inch of the cabinets and tiles should be scrubbed and disinfected before you can be sure everything is safe.

After the bathroom is done, move to the kitchen. Since there are various kitchen wall types, from tiles and flat paint walls to wallpapers and other treatments, the safest way to approach cleaning them is to use a microfiber cloth and dishwasher soap. Avoid using aggressive solutions unless there are persistent greasy stains present.

The same goes for every other kitchen surface. Everything needs to be scrubbed both inside and outside to remove the potential grease and lime scales from appliances to cabinets, counters, and sinks. Only after you get everything covered, move on to dusting, mopping, and drying the floors.

Meticulously clean all the rooms in the house

Unlike the kitchen and bathroom, other rooms of the house are easier to clean. Luckily, after the move, the rooms have no furniture. That means every corner and surface is easily accessible by a duster and a mop. Start from the upper parts, letting the dust settle before vacuuming.  Afterward, tend to the windows, doors, cabinets, and any other fixed items in the room. In addition, pay special attention when cleaning behind the radiator fins since they can easily trap dust. Naturally, floors come last. Since they are probably the dirtiest surface in the room, make sure to wipe them at least twice.

However, if you’re moving into a rented furnished apartment, you’ll have plenty more jobs on your hands. If you’re unsure how to clean a new home with furniture in it, hiring Furniture Cleaning Services in Lexington, KY, might be the best solution. You’ll save a lot of time, yet you can be sure to have the environment healthy for moving in.

Change filters and check out the HVAC system

When starting fresh in a new home, make sure the air is fresh the same way! Therefore, changing the filters in your HVAC system is the smartest move after the relocation. They are not visible to the bare eye, so the previous owner might have forgotten about them when sprucing up a home for sale.

Hire professionals to clean a new home for you

If you’re still not sure how to clean a new home on your own, or you lack time for such a substantial amount of work, you might want to schedule a professional cleaning service in your area. That way, you can have the job done faster, and more efficiently, and have everything ready before you even step foot in your new home. You might think that doing it on your own will help save some money. The truth is, deep cleaning and disinfecting a home on your own is demanding work that will take a lot of your time. If you’re a business person, you realize that time is valuable. Thus, calculate what’s best for your wallet and perhaps include a cleaning service cost when estimating your budget for relocation.

Bluegrass Company
3323 Wood Valley Ct, Lexington, KY 40502
(859) 888-1515

Carpet Cleaning Lexington KY, Cleaning Tips & Tricks, How to clean a new home, odor removal, spot cleaning, stain removal


Benefits of Hiring Professionals for Post-Renovation Cleaning

A person cannot quite believe just how messy renovation is until they go through it themselves. Dust everywhere. Pretty much constant noise of some kind. Just getting through the experience without vacating your home is stressful enough. And then, you’d be left with the cleanup. Besides the exhaustion that you would be suffering by now and the stress of the experience when you have to keep a constant eye on your kids, there is something profoundly discouraging about facing the mess. Thankfully for everyone involved, you do not have to! In fact, there is a bevy of reasons why it is a better idea to hire a cleaning service! To explain why let’s go over the benefits of hiring professionals for post-renovation cleaning together.

They are quick and efficient

One of the most important benefits of hiring professionals for post-renovation cleaning is how quickly they can get it done! Realistically speaking, professionals are just better at cleaning than you are. What would take you days of gradual cleaning and hard work would take them perhaps a single day, if not only an afternoon. It is not simply a question of experience, either. Though, of course, that plays a significant role in the matter! It allows them to know precisely where to look for the biggest messes and how best to approach cleaning them. More importantly, professional cleaners have access to specialized equipment and the know-how to use it.

You wouldn’t need to worry about getting the right cleaning equipment and products

Speaking of equipment! If you were not quick enough or neglected to get some of your items out of the area of renovation, you will likely need it. Upholstery, once dirt, dust, and grime have been caked into it, is a nightmare to clean. Not to mention that if you approached the task carelessly or with the wrong cleaning products, you would risk seriously damaging it! Similarly, carpets are a hard item to clean on the best of days. Particularly wooly ones. It takes forever, and you are not even guaranteed to have done it properly. So, it is better to leave the task to Affordable Carpet Cleaning Lexington KY and dedicate your time to more meaningful pursuits.

Cleaning can be somewhat dangerous

Learning how to pack fragile articles to make sure delicate items are protected will be the least of your worries while cleaning in a renovation zone. The much more serious issue is all the debris and tiny, potentially dangerous items left behind. Things like nails, bits of metal, and similar can easily cause an injury if you step on them. Of course, no contractors would willingly leave such hazards behind. But renovation is messy work, and it can often happen to the best of workers. Items get dropped. And then it is up to the person cleaning up not to get hurt by them. Professional cleaners, on the other hand, know how to approach the task safely and carefully.

You wouldn’t be exposing yourself or your family to allergens or other irritants

Obviously, there are many health benefits of a clean home. Inversely, allowing dust, debris, and leftover renovation materials to linger in your home is not at all good for you or your family. So, it is in your best interest to get it cleaned up as quickly as possible. However, a lot of people forget to take into account how grimy the cleanup work actually is. All of that dust that is spreading throughout your house and making everyone sneeze? You will be in the center of it and kicking it up quite vigorously. Any effort to clean will first make the area a hell for someone with allergies. And even people without them might find their skin seriously irritated, which highlights the benefits of hiring professionals for post-renovation cleaning all the more.

You’d be free to get your home in order

The moving experts from warn that it takes a surprising amount of time to get your home back to normalcy after a renovation. And another of the benefits of hiring professionals for post-renovation cleaning is getting to the task sooner! You can leave the job of cleaning up to professionals while you make your house feel like a home again. This would be especially relevant if you decided to move out for the duration of the renovation work. Upon your return, particularly if the renovation was extensive, you might even feel your home is unfamiliar. So, getting to unpack, put things in their rightful place, and go about your day normally is a serious boon.

You’d get to enjoy the peace and relaxation of your freshly renovated home

The final benefit of hiring professional cleaners might be seen as selfish and indulgent by some. However, after planning out home improvements you should invest in, accounting for your family,
keeping them out of the way and danger of a house under renovation, and just dealing with the costs and stress of the process, you deserve to kick back and relax! Sure, paying for professional cleaners might be ‘wasteful’ if you can eventually do the job yourself. But! Can you do it as well as they can? Or as quickly? Or match the rest of the benefits we have talked about already? Probably not! So, there is absolutely nothing wrong with using the chance to distress and relax with your family, not after the ordeal that is going through renovation.

Some advice

Now that we have discussed the benefits of hiring professionals for post-renovation cleaning, you have probably made up your mind on whether you will hire them or not. If you do decide to hire
professionals, however, keep one thing firmly in mind. You need to ensure they are reliable and good at their job! Do your research correctly, and do not let yourself be swindled into a deal.


Bluegrass Company
3323 Wood Valley Ct, Lexington, KY 40502
(859) 888-1515

Benefits of hiring professionals for post-renovation cleaning, construction cleanup, post-renovation cleaning, remodeling cleaning, remodeling cleanup

Thankful… for Family and a HEALTHY HOME

Whether you are a new customer of BLUEGRASS CLEANING CO., or have been a client for years, we’d like to take this time to THANK YOU for your business. We know we are not the only game in town when it comes to keeping your home clean and beautiful. To show our appreciation, we’d like to offer you a few quick tips to have a cleaner, healthier home and save you a few bucks too.

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) study revealed that carpet actually helps to clean out the air in our homes and offices. The carpet acts as a filter, trapping soils, gasses, and pollutants such as pet and human dander, pollen, and even air pollution. This is great news since nearly every home in America has wall-to-wall carpets installed in one or more areas. There are several things that you can do to keep your carpet looking cleaner and help it last longer.

  • Keep soils out by using walk-off mats at entrances and keeping outdoor walkways, stairs, and porches clean.
  • Use doormats at all entrances. Don’t wear street shoes in the house. Avoid going barefoot because body oils get on the carpet and attract dirt.
  • Vacuum often, including upholstery, at least once a week. You should vacuum more often if there are pets or small children in the home, or if anyone suffers from asthma.
  • Promptly attend to any spots or spills. First, blot or scrape up as much of the spill as you can before it dries into the fibers. Then apply a mild spotting agent to the carpet and gently agitate it into the spot with the back of a spoon. Blot with a white towel to absorb the spot and the cleaner. Put a little clear water on the area, agitate again and then blot as dry as possible. If this process doesn’t work, call us.

In addition to controlling soils, vacuuming often, and being attentive to spots and spills, you should include professional cleaning followed by an application of a fiber protective treatment of your carpet.

Periodic professional cleaning is a major part of an effective carpet and air quality maintenance routine, eliminating the contaminants that build up over time. Of course, every household has its own unique combination of factors such as environment, number of occupants, children, pets, and smoking or non-smoking, etc.

Deep cleaning of your carpets assures your carpets are brought back to a fresh, healthy condition. This is good for your health as well as your wallet.

How so? Clean carpet has the ability to trap and hold airborne contaminants out of the breathing zone. In fact, studies have demonstrated that it takes ten times more wind force to dislodge the dry particulate soils that can trigger allergic reactions from carpet than from hard floor surfaces. That’s because carpet traps and holds contaminants until they are removed by vacuuming and cleaning.

Carpets that are regularly maintained will last much longer because it is the dry, gritty particulate soil and old oxidized stains that cause the permanent damage that makes old carpets look dull and dirty.

Regardless of how neat and tidy you are, there comes a time when you need professional carpet cleaning. And don’t forget the floors, rugs, and upholstery will last longer if they are professionally cleaned as well!

Call Bluegrass Cleaning Co. to schedule your next cleaning. You and your family will breathe easier; your carpets, rugs, and upholstery will look better and last longer, and your home will remain healthier.

carpet cleaning, carpets, fiber protector, stains, upholstery

How to Clean and Care for Wood Furniture

How to Clean and Care for Wood Furniture

You love the way that wood furniture looks inside of your home. But what you aren’t as crazy about is how the material gets damaged over the years. Wood furniture, as elegant as it can be, can be more susceptible to damage than other decorations in your home. As time passes, the surfaces can get scratched, scuffed, and stained. You want your wood furniture to last as long as possible. How should you care for and clean it? Take note of these maintenance techniques to preserve your wood furniture:

Pay Attention to Cleaning Labels

Wood needs to be cleaned differently than most other materials. Depending on the species of wood and the coating on its surface, you’ll need to use only certain products to clean it safely. Using the wrong product can do more harm than good.

You might know how to disinfect something like a glass tabletop or leather sofa. But what about wood furniture? Harsh cleaning products might strip the wood and leave it looking worse for wear.

We recommend reading the instructions on any cleaning product you use. Make sure that it’s wood-safe before applying it.

Even if a product is designed for use with wood, test it out on a small area first. If you wipe the surface and nothing is damaged, great! But if you notice any concerning signs, discontinue using it immediately.

Use the Right Cloth

Live edge tables are perfect for serving dinner or snacks. But what about when it comes time to clean them?

Dishrags and washcloths are often too abrasive for the delicate surface of unfinished wood. Instead, stick to cotton or microfiber cloths that are soft and mostly dry. Do you have a sticky spot or stain on the table that won’t budge? Rather than using water or an abrasive cleaner, try to apply more pressure with the cloth first.

When using a cloth, always wipe in the direction of the grain—never against it. If you’re using a cleaning solution, only dampen the cloth slightly. The drier the cloth is, the better. Use a cloth that’s completely dry to remove a surface layer of dust.

Prevent Water & Heat Damage

If you’ve ever dealt with a flood or spilled water on your floors, then you may have needed hardwood floor restoration services. The same thing can happen to your furniture if you use improper cleaning techniques.

Cups can damage the surface of a wooden table. Use coasters under glasses to prevent water rings from forming on the wood. When placing a hot dish or plate on the table, use a protective heat mat underneath it. A large placemat can prevent forks and knives from scratching the surface of the wood.

Your chestnut end table does look beautiful next to the window. But did you know that the sun’s rays can damage its surface? Try to keep wooden furniture out of direct sunlight. If you can’t find another place for it, consider drawing the blinds during the day.

Finally, avoid placing wood furniture next to hot or cold spots in your home. Shifting temperatures may cause it to expand and contract. Store wood away from vents and fireplaces.

Unfinished Wood vs. Wax Finishes

Depending on the type of wood furniture you have, you’ll need to adjust your cleaning routine accordingly.

Is your wood finished with shellac, polyurethane, or varnish? It may have a glossy and reflective coating that’s smooth to the touch. Certain cleaning products can destroy this coating, making the wood look and feel uneven.

The wax coating itself has protective qualities, so you’ll rarely need to apply additional products—doing so may cause the wax to dissolve. If this happens, you may need to re-wax the furniture.

Control Humidity

As the seasons change, so do the ambient temperatures and moisture levels in our homes. But this can have disastrous consequences for wooden furniture.

Any wood furniture that’s stored in the basement, kitchen, or bathroom could be subject to high humidity levels. Not only can this cause the material to expand, but it may even grow mold.

What can you do to keep humidity under control? Installing a dehumidifier can combat the rising moisture levels. You might install a ventilation system to get rid of steam from cooking or showering. If all else fails, consider moving wood furniture to a drier area of your home.

Plastic furniture might be more durable than wood, but it can’t hold a candle to the beauty and character of this material. When years of wear and tear can make the surface of wood furniture look less than impressive, using the above cleaning and maintenance tips will help keep your wood items gorgeous for years to come.

Bluegrass Company
3323 Wood Valley Ct, Lexington, KY 40502
(859) 888-1515

clean wood furniture, Cleaning Tips & Tricks, cleaning wood furniture, How to Clean and Care for Wood Furniture

Do’s and Don’ts: Pet Hair Management

Every pet owner knows there is something they can’t avoid – fur around the home. Regardless of their breed, at one point or another, shed happens. And, having your house covered in pet hair isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. Read on to learn some dos and don’ts of pet hair management to keep your home and pet squeakily clean.

Do’s to Control Fur Around the House

Keeping fur under control is all about getting into a routine. Following grooming appointments, cleaning schedules, and more will help you control hair around the house.

1. Regular Grooms

Start by targeting hair before it even gets to your home. Depending on your pet’s breed, you want to get into a regular grooming schedule with their vet or grooming salon. Most pets need grooming twice or once a month.

2. Add More Baths

Bathing your pet not only removes dirt and unpleasant smells but it can help remove loose fur that would otherwise end up on your floors. Try bathing products formulated to help reduce shedding, and don’t forget to brush before and after bathing.

3. Vacuum Daily

Yes, we know… but a vacuum is the one way to manage pet hair in the house. If you can, vacuum every day to prevent fur buildup. If a traditional vacuum is too much to fit your busy schedule, consider getting an automated vacuum that will handle the work while you work.

4. Keep Pet Hair Removal Tools Handy

Every pet owner has their own set of pet hair removal tools. From lint rollers to duct tape, and hair removal tools, these are must-haves. Keep them close to major areas like the couch and bedroom for quick touch-ups throughout the week and in-between deep-clean sessions.

5. Designate Off-Limit Areas

Finally, you want to keep your pet away from specific areas. For example, if you have a couch with a fabric that catches pet hair, then that’s a designated off-limit area. This won’t help manage all the pet hair around your house, but it will make it easier to control.

Don’ts of Grooming Your Pet

When keeping hair at bay, what you don’t do is equally important. Neglecting or forgetting to do these things can make your pet’s shedding worse.

1. Overbathe Your Pet

Most vets recommend bathing your pet less than most people do. Overbathing can strip them from their skin’s natural oils, which help keep their hair healthy. When you over-bathe your pet, it can cause skin irritation which then leads to more shedding.

2. Try to Vacuum Your Pet’s Hair

It might be tempting to vacuum your pet’s hair but try to avoid this. Not only does the vacuum noise make them uncomfortable, but the suction nips their skin and can cause severe lesions. If you want to use a vacuum, ensure you get a grooming extension designed for this purpose.

3. Use Regular Shampoo

If you bathe your pet at home, try to use a de-shedding shampoo to help get rid of loose fur. Check the formula and find ones designed to help control shedding and maintain their hair in perfect health.

4. Neglect Walks and Exercise

No matter your pet’s size, they need walks and exercise. Plus, when your pet spends more time outdoors, there’s a greater chance that a lot of their loose fur will end up outdoors and not inside your house.

5. Forget About Professional Grooms

Finally, don’t forget about professional grooming sessions. While you might take the time to brush and clean your dog, a professional groomer knows how to deal with the shed. They will use the right products and tools to leave your pet fresh and clean.

Geraldine Orentas is a writer from Happy Writers, Co. in partnership with dog hip harness manufacturer, Walkin’ Pets


Bluegrass Company
3323 Wood Valley Ct, Lexington, KY 40502
(859) 888-1515

Cleaning Tips & Tricks, house cleaning, keeping pet hair at bay, maid services, odor removal, pet hair management

How Often Should You Be Washing Your Linens?

When you think about it, you spend at least eight hours lying on your bed every day. Over time this leads to a buildup of dirt, sweat, dead skin cells, and other grime that collects on your linens. This residue isn’t just gross to think about, but it can also provide the perfect home for dust mites and even trigger health issues like allergies, skin irritation, and acne.

Surprisingly, the average person changes their linens every 24 days. But, when you learn how often you should be washing your sheets, it doesn’t even come close to the standard for proper bed hygiene and freshness. Read on to know exactly how often to wash your linens and when to change other bedding to preserve their freshness.

How Often to Wash Your Sheets

Alright, ideally, you want to wash your sheets once a week. While this can be daunting at first, it’s one-hundred percent doable. Incorporate changing your sheets to your weekly cleaning schedule, or try to have additional sheets on hand to swap your sheets every week.

However, how often you wash your linens depends on many things. For example, if you travel a lot and don’t sleep on your bed every night, you can probably wash your sheets every two weeks. On the flip side, if you tend to sweat a lot overnight or sleep with your pet, your sheets get dirtier faster. In this case, you should change your bedsheets every three to four days.

How Often to Wash Other Bedding

Of course, your linens include much more than your bedsheets. You have to worry about blankets, comforters, mattresses and mattress protectors, and so forth. Since these have different uses and exposure to dirt and grime, they also change how often you wash them.

Pillowcases, for example, need to be washed once a week or even more often. If you

For example, blankets, comforters, and pillows should be washed about once per season. However, between washes, tossing them in the dryer for 15 minutes every month can help get rid of any dust mites accumulated. Pillows should be washed or changed once or twice per year, depending on the grime they accumulate.

Lastly, if you use a mattress protector, you should try to wash this every two months. Mattress protectors are there for a reason. So, if anyone has an accident or a spill, you should immediately wash it to prevent any stains.

Geraldine Orentas is a writer from Happy Writers, Co. in partnership with Italian linen retailer, Linoto.



Bluegrass Company
3323 Wood Valley Ct, Lexington, KY 40502
(859) 888-1515

Cleaning Tips & Tricks, linens, odor removal, spot cleaning, spot removal, stain removal, stains, washing

A Guide to Cleaning Outdoor Areas of Your Home

With the outdoor spaces around your home consistently exposed to the elements, you might have a tougher time keeping them spotless. Wind can blow dust and debris into every nook surrounding your home, rain can leave unsightly marks on certain surfaces, and it goes without saying that fall creates havoc with leaves and tree branches!

Not to worry: We’re here to help you have an easier time cleaning the outdoor areas of your home!

  • Start from the top. As is the rule inside your home, you should also clean your outdoor areas from top to bottom. Take a ladder and check your roof for any debris. You’re like You’re likely to find plenty of leaves and sticks. Remove leaves with a leaf blower and use a low-pressure washer to remove other debris. You may not want to use high-pressure water to clean your roof without professional assistance, as this could damage your shingles or tiles.
  • As well as cleaning scattered debris laying on your roof, it is crucial to keep your gutters in order. Grab a trowel, put on some gloves, and remove any material inside your gutter. Then, rinse them out with a hose. Be sure to start at the opposite end to the downspout!
  • Clean your siding. If you have vinyl cladding, this is easy to clean with a mixture of water and white vinegar. Simply use a low-pressure washer to prepare the surface, before applying your cleaning mixture and removing dirt with a soft-bristled brush.
  • Here are two handy tips for cleaning your siding: Cover any plants, flowers, or ornaments that you wish to keep away from your cleaning products. Also, it is recommended to clean your siding from bottom to top in order to avoid streak marks.
  • Don’t forget your windows. These can usually be cleaned with your regular dish soap, followed by a soft brush and a wipe with a glass-cleaning product to dry them down.
  • Look out for the little things. You will quite rightly place plenty of focus on the outdoor areas of your house – but what about the rest of your yard? Check your outdoor chairs and their cushions for any areas that need cleaning with a vacuum or sponge. If needed, remove your cushion covers and wash them according to their instructions. Check any light fixtures for signs of dust or dirt.
  • Retouch your outdoor furniture. Do you have any wrought iron, aluminum, or wicker furniture? Give them a quick once-over with a hose and brush before applying a new layer of paint or sealant, if necessary.
  • Take a pressure washer to hard surfaces. Your patio and driveway might need a little extra love if they haven’t been washed for a while. Get a high-pressure jet washer and spray the grime away from these hard, outdoor surfaces.

Jack Vale is a writer from Happy Writers, Co. in partnership with outdoor kitchen cabinet retailer, Werever.



Bluegrass Company
3323 Wood Valley Ct, Lexington, KY 40502
(859) 888-1515

cleaning, Cleaning Tips & Tricks, outdoor areas

CLEANING TAGS on Your Furniture… What Do Those Codes MEAN?

Look under the cushions of a typical piece of upholstered furniture and you will usually find a fabric care tag. This tag should include an indication of the recommended procedures for maintenance and routine cleaning of that particular piece of furniture. Part of the tag will likely assure you that all new materials were used; this is a reference to the stuffing inside the piece. What you want to know more about is how to keep this piece of furniture looking its best, so look for another tag.

The Cleaning Tag

You should find a tag that specifically lists a cleaning code. Before we go into what these codes mean, please note that these tags and codes are merely a guideline to assist you in spot cleaning only. The tag is also an indication to the professional cleaner of how to avoid color loss, bleeding, browning, or shrinkage during cleaning.

Fabrics are made from a variety of fibers including cotton, polyester, silk, rayon, nylon, polypropylene, acetate, acrylic, wool, and blends thereof. They can be woven in a variety of ways, as well as having an unlimited array of dye methods, colors, and patterns. All of these different combinations make avoiding possible cleaning reactions very challenging, but possible – if you know what you’re doing!

Improper selection of cleaning agents or methods can lead to permanent damage to fabrics. An example is crushed velvet. If it is treated improperly, it can lose its softness, luster, and crimp. This sort of damage is irreversible. Many floral or multicolored patterns are printed on the fabric rather than woven into it. Extra care must be taken when cleaning these as the colors are only on the surface. The wrong chemical can actually remove the printed dyes, or destabilize them to the point that the colors run into each other. Again, this is uncorrectable.

So, effective, and safe, cleaning of your upholstered furniture means knowing how to clean it. Part of that requires deciphering the code, so here are the cleaning codes and their meanings:

W: This code tells you to spot clean only with water-based shampoo or foam upholstery cleaner. If your tag has a “W” be careful not to overwet the area or use any solvents.

S: This code tells you the opposite of “W” – it says to spot clean only with a water-free dry cleaning solvent. But remember to always pretest a small, inconspicuous area before proceeding. Be careful not to oversaturate the material or to use any water.

WS or SW: When you see this tag spot clean with upholstery shampoo, foam from a mild detergent, or mild dry cleaning solvent.

X: This is a really important one which means to clean only by vacuuming or light brushing with a non-metallic, stiff bristle brush. Never use any water or solvent-based cleaners on furniture that has this tag.

No matter what tag you see, remember these basic suggestions:

• Always clean spills promptly, calling a professional if you are in doubt.
• Never rub but rather blot up liquids to avoid damaging the fibers.
• Always start cleaning from the outside of the stain, working your way in, to avoid spreading the stain.
• Do not remove cushion covers for cleaning as they may shrink or misshape and not go back on properly.

Contact Bluegrass Cleaning Co. today for more tips, and help, or to schedule an appointment.

Bluegrass Company
3323 Wood Valley Ct, Lexington, KY 40502
(859) 888-1515

cleaning codes, cleaning tags, Cleaning Tips & Tricks, furniture tags, spot cleaning, stain removal, stains, upholstery cleaning, upholstery codes, upholstery tags

How to Create a House Cleaning Schedule and Stick to it

New Year’s Resolutions, aren’t they great? The idea is that something new is just around the corner. The excitement of making a fresh start. Subconsciously, we all know that the list will be forgotten in about a week. Don’t worry – we are all guilty of this. Fascinating how many Sunday evening promises have been dashed by Monday mornings. The problem is that we have great expectations but do not follow through. No plan to make it work. Just like personal resolutions, tidying the house suffers from the same problems. How many household chores have been ignored until they reached the breaking point? We all know the benefits of a clean house, but sometimes it feels like we need a little something extra to keep us motivated. Let’s look at how to create a house cleaning schedule and stick to it – and we really do mean stick to it. It’s all about balance, honesty, and some organizational skills. Trust us. It’s not as difficult as it sounds. Let us wash those worries away for you.

Bigger Isn’t Always Better

Now, I am willing to get into a heated discussion with my friends over who is entitled to the biggest slice of pizza, but when it comes to problems and tasks, the smaller they are, the better. That’s the main problem – cleaning the house is no mean feat. It sounds intimidating.


But, what does it consist of? A bunch of smaller activities. You can use this to your advantage. Break up this mammoth task of cleaning your home into more manageable chunks. Go from one room to the next, take notes, make a checklist, and break it down into specific chores and activities. This will help you understand what needs to be done and realize that it isn’t so bad. A dirty carpet can seem daunting at first. But there are many ways to maintain your carpet. If you clean a spill as soon as it happens, rather than figuratively sweeping all the messes under the rug, it will be much easier!

What’s the Goal?

Ask me how I imagine my perfect home. Through some self-taught, in-built default system, I would say it needs to be sparkling clean all the time. Do I really want that, though? How about we drop the ‘sparkling’ part and stick to clean? We all have different preferences, but we must be truthful with ourselves. At the end of the day, we are the ones living in our homes.

First, we made a list of the tasks we have to perform. We need to decide how these tasks will be done, how often, and with what intensity. There is no correct answer. Choose what suits you the most. Once this has been accomplished, you should start noticing that you are becoming more comfortable with the idea of cleaning. Yes, it is an obligation, but you are taking control of this obligation.

Supplies on the Ready

You can have all the willpower in the world, but that kitchen sink cannot be scrubbed clean with the use of pure motivation alone. Plan ahead. Make sure you have all the cleaning supplies you need at all times. When you start running low, restock, and if that becomes a habit, you will never be caught off-guard. Also, make sure to keep them somewhere convenient and easily accessible and that all members of your household know where they are. This way, if an unexpected mess occurs, it can be dealt with quickly.

United We Stand

Talking about other household members, do not be shy about delegating tasks. Everybody should pull their weight. You all share the same living space, after all. It’s always easier when there are more people involved. The work is done quicker, and spreading the responsibility lowers the stress associated with such a project. Be sure to work to each other’s strengths. I hate vacuuming. If another member doesn’t mind it or even likes it (I have been told such people do exist, although I remain cautiously skeptical), it makes sense they tackle this chore while you take something more suited to you. All of this helps take away the aversion you may feel to this type of work. It helps create a house cleaning schedule that you can stick to, as it suddenly doesn’t represent an insurmountable problem.

On a side note, do not be shy to get some outside help as well. Sometimes there are some cleaning tasks that only pros can handle. These same tasks could be creating a barrier of sorts in your head. It needs to be done, but you are not sure that you can do it. Sit down, take a look at how to find the best cleaning company for you, and, once you do, give them a call. With this weight lifted, it will make the remaining chores easier. Maybe that carpet from earlier is giving you a headache? You could employ the services of professional carpet cleaners from Lexington, KY, to remove those stains, along with your worries, in a jiffy. Just a thought.


Want to Create a House Cleaning Schedule and Stick to It? Reward Yourself!

A simple psychological trick, but it works. Give yourself a treat for sticking to the schedule. Oh no, the oven needs to be cleaned. Oh yes, I will go out to that new restaurant my friends have been raving about for ages. It makes the work easier, as you know there is something good waiting for you at the end of it all. What about an audiobook or some music? These can make the work easier in real-time. We tend to think that we cannot have fun when we work, as if these two are mutually exclusive. Through these seemingly obvious tricks, you can increase the chances that you will adhere to that house cleaning schedule you had so meticulously put together.

Once the Planning is Done

If you followed all of the steps above, you should have a good schedule that, ideally, will be somewhere that everyone can see. On the fridge or the front door, as a silent reminder of what needs to be done each day. When it comes to cleaning the home, everyone has their style. Still, there are always helpful pieces of advice that you can pick up along the way. Spring cleaning can be tricky, but if you want to clean your place from top to bottom, applying a few tips from the pros can help. If there is one thing we hope you have picked up from this article, it’s that nothing is as hard as it may seem at first glance.

Clean Home, Happy Home

This is the final step. Are you ready? After you have done all of the above, it is time for you to finally enjoy the fruits of your labor. You should now know how to create a house cleaning schedule and stick to it. Once you do it, you will realize it was not as tricky as it seemed. It’s all about realistic goals and a relaxed and systematic approach to solving this problem. Now, about those New Year’s Resolutions…


Bluegrass Company
3323 Wood Valley Ct, Lexington, KY 40502
(859) 888-1515

cleaning plan, cleaning schedule, house cleaning schedule, house upkeep plan