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Author: Kevin Ivers

Taking On Holiday Stains

It’s that time of year when you start planning for family and friends to visit and since you are hospitable, you start thinking of all the delicious meals, snacks, and beverages you will serve them when they arrive.

Despite the very best attempts of you and your guests to keep things on the plate, in the bowl, in the glass, and on the spoon or fork, the inevitable happens: Food or drinks spill, and for some reason, they always spill on the carpet. Usually white carpet.

spot removal, stain removal, stains

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Cleaning Up ‘Accidents’

Our pets. We love them. No matter what.

No matter if they hack up hairballs. No matter if they barf up their breakfast. No matter if they mistake the corner of the living room for the litter box or the grass patch outside.

Dogs, cats, gerbils, hamsters, birds… the list goes on as to the types of pets that people have in their homes and subsequently treat like family. Or even better than family.

Carpet Cleaning Lexington KY, Cleaning Tips & Tricks, odor removal, pee removal, pet accidents, spot cleaning, spot removal, stain removal, urine removal, urine stains

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How to Keep Dust Out!

It’s one of the most frustrating things… moving an item on a bookshelf only to see a clear outline of where something was sitting.

Or how about moving a piece of furniture and discovering a herd of “dust bunnies” has taken up residence.

clean out the dust, Cleaning Tips & Tricks, dust removal, increase indoor air quality at home, keep the dust out, reducing dust and allergens in the home, removing dust, removing dust from my home

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Guilty! (but it will be OK)

DID YOU KNOW that the devastation of spilling something like grape juice, Kool-Aid, and other fruit drinks doesn’t have to be that… devastating?

So you have kids, grandkids, or some other kids come over, and they want something to drink. They surely don’t want water from the tap. That’s pretty boring stuff. They want something fruity, sweet, and with lots of colors. Like deep blues, or reds. You know, the stuff that can really stain a carpet or piece of furniture.

spills, stains

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Commercial Facilities and Vacuums

Often under specified and misunderstood is a commercial office vacuuming program.

If most of the soil in the carpet can be removed by vacuuming, whose responsibility is it to remove that soil? Should it be done by the outsourced carpet cleaner or the in-house facility provider? With what frequency should it be performed? What type of vacuum should be used?

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A Weekend Lost

You work hard all week and look forward to the weekend, a time to relax and enjoy family and friends (but you still have to mow the grass!)

But, sometime during the week, you look down. You aren’t happy with the condition of the carpet. So you make a decision to rent a do-it-yourself carpet cleaning machine from your local grocery store. That’s right… you are going to clean your own carpet. Your goal this weekend is to create a nice, fresh, and clean carpet and enjoy a healthier home.

carpet cleaning

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