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Tag: odor removal

Always Do This When Cleaning

Taking care of cleaning chores around the house is something homeowners have engaged in since houses were invented. Not much thought goes into it other than it just needs to be done.

However, some specialized tasks, such as removing a spot from a carpet, getting rid of an irritating pet odor from the family dog, or trying to find the best cleaning solution for the toughest jobs can actually end up causing more harm than good.

carpet cleaning, Carpet Cleaning Lexington KY, Cleaning Tips & Tricks, odor removal, pet urine removal, pet urine spots, pet urine stains, spot cleaning, spot removal, stain removal, urine removal

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Are Carpet Cleaning Chemicals Dangerous?

When was the last time you had your carpet cleaned? Since then, how often have people tracked dirt and bacteria from the outside? Or, do you have a pet that sheds hair or fur, and do you find your home embedded with a strong odor that vacuuming or air fresheners won’t get rid of?

Having your carpet cleaned beyond vacuuming often requires the use of chemicals, which leaves many concerned homeowners with the singular question: are carpet cleaning chemicals dangerous?

are carpet cleaning chemicals dangerous, carpet cleaning, cleaning chemicals, cleaning solutions, Cleaning Tips & Tricks, odor removal, spot cleaning, spot removal, stains

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What To Do When You Move Into A Home That Previously Had Pets

People with allergies to pets can suffer from symptoms that range from mildly annoying to unbearable. If you or someone in your family has allergic reactions to pets, you already know that the cause is dander. Dander, made up of particles shed by animals and humans every day, is mainly comprised of dead skin cells. People can be allergic to dander from any kind of animal, but the most common allergies are to cats, followed by dogs, and lastly, birds.

Carpet Cleaning Lexington KY, Cleaning Tips & Tricks, odor removal, pet allergy dander, pet allergy removal

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Area Rug General Care & Maintenance Guide

Area Rug General Care Guide

Most of today’s vacuums are designed for high-powered suction on hard surfaces and wall-to-wall carpets. Because of this, they are often too aggressive for use on rugs in a normal setting. Upright or canister vacuums that don’t include a beater bar are the best choice, but a standard vacuum on a low-power setting will work.

area rug cleaning Lexington KY, Cleaning Tips & Tricks, odor removal, rug care, rug cleaning lexington ky, spot cleaning, spot removal, stain removal, stains

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